Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Asset Conference Presentation

Yesterday was the Asset Technology Conference on Long Island. I presented a 45 minute demonstration on Video Screen Capture and On-line Video.

It went well. I had a packed room with people sitting on the floor. No one got up and left! The computer and projector worked. The internet streamed in well. I'm pretty happy about it.

Here is the link to the conference Vault where you can find more information about my presentation.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Using the Districts' website to aid Parent Communications.


Greenport School District is mandated by the No Child Left Behind Act to involve parents in the education process. This law includes fostering parent involvement and Parent access to Student Information. The parent Communication mandates are in Title I, III, IX, X, FERPA, and PPRA of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001.


If my District adds a content management system to our website, we can meet the mandates of NCLB. By putting an organized menu-system on the website, the information can be organized into a coherent resource for parents. Currently, the Website is a mish-mash of information that has been put online by teachers, staff, and administrators. Information is not updated in a timely fashion. Currently average monthly website counters show 200 website visits per month.


We will increase parents’ access to information we organize and update the district’s website.

Analysis and Prediction

We will place a content management system on the website. Parents will be informed by student take-home handouts about that information is also online. After two months of usage, the new website will increase readers to our website. The website counters will increase.